How many pages does the book?
Fifty Birds of Town and City
This book was written by Bob Hines, this is a Hardcover book in the .
50 beautiful full-color paintings with a short description of each bird. Includes: Baltimore Oriole; Barn Swallow; Bluebird; Blue Jay; Bobwhite; Brown Creeper; Brown Thrasher; Canada Goose; Cardinal; Catbird; Chimney Swift; Cowbird; Crow; Downy Woodpecker; Flicker; Goldfinch; Grackle; Green Heron; Herring Gull; House Sparrow; House Wren; Mallard; Mockingbird; Mourning Dove; Myrtle Warbler; Nighthawk; Pigeon; Purple Martin; Red-headed Woodpecker; Robin; Song Sparrow; Sparrow Hawk; Starling; Tufted Titmouse; Turkey Vulture; Wood Pewee; Wood Thrush; Yellowthroat: Yellow Warbler.