Finder Tolan

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Finder Tolan

It has 50 pages

This book was written by Megan Derr, this is a ebook book in the .

Tolan never wanted or expected much out of life; his only goal was to be a good Finder with his own shop and a steady income. Instead, he is stuck as an apprentice in a rundown shop run by a drunken, lazy master too busy wasting his days away to train Tolan properly. Left to his own devices, Tolan has always trained himself.,Watching the shop one day while his master is out carousing during a festival, Tolan is startled when a small child wanders into his shop and loudly demands that Tolan 'Find Secret'. But locating Secret proves to be more difficult than Tolan first surmised, and leads him to a life—and a man—that he never expected to find.