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Tower of the King's Daughter
This book was written by Chaz Brenchley, this is a book in the .
The Kingdom of Outremer was born of blood and pain and passion; forty years on, enemies still threaten its borders and heresy still threatens its peace.,The Society of Ransom is the Kingdom's conscience, and its sword-arm too. In the Ransomer's remote border stronghold of Roq de Rancon, its walls echoing with ancient magic and forgotten secrets, a tale of love, duty and betrayal will unfold: for Marron, a young man newly sworn to the brotherhood; for Julianne, daughter of the King's Shadow, en route to her wedding in Elessi; and for Elisande, her mysterious companion.,All have a part to play in the coming upheaval, for their lives are intrinsically bound up with the fate of Outremer.