Kiss and Dwell

How many pages does the book?

Kiss and Dwell

It has 250 pages

This book was written by Kelley St. John, this is a Paperback book in the .

Monique Vicknair has a secret—she's a medium, dedicated to helping spirits cross to the other side. Unfortunately, she's been so busy, she hasn't taken care of her "own" earthly needs. And it's been a long, "long" time. So when she meets recently deceased—but oh-so-sexy-Ryan Chappelle, she's more than ready for a fling. Even if it is with a ghost Ryan is no stranger to the pleasures of a woman's body, and his death hasn't changed that. But he's never wanted anyone the way he wants Monique. So he's refusing to leave this world until he makes love to her. And if he has to break all the laws of heaven and earth to do it, he will. "Again and again and again... ."